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Showing posts from January, 2020

The flow of compassion

Meditating on compassion made me realise that compassion is what unites us it's a dynamic flow reflected in actions of love and kindness towards each other. Compassion is our common humanity. An article on the practical application of compassion during meditation. Click the following link to read - Joining Hands: A Flow Of Compassion

Turning on the light

Only by turning on the light, you can instantly destroy the darkness. Meditation can be the light shining awareness onto our attachments and afflictive emotions. As turning on the lights in a darkroom instantly removes the darkness. Likewise, through meditation or even, a rather simple analysis of our patterns of ego-clinging and afflictive emotions can make them collapse.  Such collapse sees through our attachments and how these can be the cause of our suffering.  Such can lead to liberation from the cycle of Samsara and the transcending of suffering .

Recreating Your Own Life

Everything has causes and effects, and that only understanding such causes and that nothing is unchanging can yield to spiritual freedom. Envisioning this death and rebirth can lead to liberation and serves us as an exercise to rehearse how the mind shapes our reality, embodiment and environment.  Such that realising that nothing is permanent and everything is changing has the power to awaken within us our ability to recreate our lives moment by moment.

Meditating on compassion and The cultivation of a calm mind

Meditation on Compassion helps us in the cultivation of a calm mind.  This Calm mind is what allows our innate human wisdom and intelligence to come forward and bloom. Why? Because a calm mind is a clear mind. And from that clarity arises compassion , the ability which gives us the wisdom to help us address one's own and other persons suffering. Reflect, when you are angry, your thinking is distorted by anger and because of this you might not see the different aspects of reality. A calm compassionate mind enables you to adopt a broader and more realistic view of life. Which can help us address the situations we find ourselves in a more mindful , kind and loving manner.

Coming to the Realisation of why you Focus on the Breath in Meditation

In meditation, you do not consciously breath but simply observe it.  You observe your breath as an anchor to return to it whenever your mind wanders. With time that simple observation makes you realise you are not your breath. At the moment you realise that you are not your breath - you become aware of the breath, and aware that you are breathing. That you are not your body but become aware of your body.  You suddenly realise that you are aware you become aware of your awareness .  You come to the realisation that you are "awareness".