In Mind Like The Sky Thoughts Like The Clouds guided sitting meditation practice, we start by settling into our posture and setting our intention and motivation for the practice. Then we will go to the stage of settling the mind so as to settle the gross distraction present in the mind. After we go to the grounding phase, where we will ground the mind within the body as this helps the mind keep present. Remember, the mind can be lost in the past, or the future, or just daydreaming in the present, but the body is always here, and there is one of the greatest allies in our practice. After grounding, we move into the stage of resting in our embodied presence, mind resting in the body resting on the ground unconditionally supported by the ground. So resting in our embodied presence and then connecting with the sense of the mind being the sky and the thoughts being clouds passing through the sky. Inevitably our mind will wander away into thinking carried ...